one may categorize event representation roughly into 4 modalities.

  1. spike processing such as SNN
    • natively support sparse asynchronous data
    • difficult to train
    • require specialized hardware
  2. analytical event representations
    • task-specific: do not generalize to a wide range of applications
  3. intermediary representation
    • to be paired with machine learning methods in synchronous form.
    • be transformed into a proxy 2d image-like or 3d video frame-like representation——“proxy frames”
  4. intensity image reconstruction
    • estimating intensity values for each pixel using events——ML methods


intermediary representation

Events occurring within a given temporal window are summarized to yield a proxy frame using one of the following techniques.

event accumulation/counting

events within a temporal window are separated by polarity and events are counted for each polarity type to yield two images of size H×WH\times W

remark: while this approach retains polarity information, temporal information is lost.

event frames/polarity summing

computed by summing the polarity of events within a given time window.

polarity summing yields a single H×WH\times W proxy frame approximating the overall intensity changes that occurred within the given temporal window.

voxel grid

takes a temporal quantization approach, mapping the events to the nearest temporal grid.

remark: information is lost whenever multiple events are mapped to the same quantized pixel.

time surface

Time surface is a two dimensional representation that encodes time stamps as pixel values.

Surface of Active Events(SAE) time surfaces retain the timing for the latest event at each pixel location(for each polarity)

remark: not ideal for slow motion sequences or imaging in low light environments, as events timing becomes ambiguous or can be interrupted by noises


Graph-based methods transform events within a temporal window into a set of connected nodes, U×VU\times V.

remark: such compact representation allows for a reduction in compute and memory resources

  • constructing the graphs can be computationally intensive.
  • discards fine temporal and spatial information during the transformation


similarly, modeled after the behavior of Leaky Integrate and Fire(LIF) neurons, events are treated as spikes that decay over time exponentially in magnitude.

A general issue with time-windowed or event-windowed representations is that they induce latency.

  • For temporal windowed representations with fixed frame rate, events that occur early in the window are not evaluated until the time window completes.